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Frequently Asked Questions

Below are responses to questions that I am often asked...

What credentials do you have? 

Personally — Shane is a sincere follower of Jesus Christ, a dedicated husband, and a loving father of five. He is also in the "sweet spot" of life, having plenty of "real world" experience (yes, he is 40+ years old), but also not too old to be out of touch. 


Professionally — Shane has a MBA, BA and CPLC (certified professional life coach), and completed his professional life coach training through the Christian Coach Institute. He has 20+ years of progressive leadership experience in business/education, including 10 years as a high school athletic director. He also previously served at a church in a professional role in youth ministry. As an author, Shane has written four books, had numerous articles published in print & online publications, and has collaborated with other authors on a variety of writing projects.

From Shane — While I am proud of my unique personal & professional credentials, I also love the notion that it isn't about me. It is said that God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called. I am very intentional about seeking and trusting the Holy Spirit's guidance in my coaching, writing, and speaking. "He must become greater; I must become less." (John 3:30)

What are some examples of things you have accomplished as a professional life coach? 

By God's grace I have helped hundreds of clients achieve their goals in their personal and professional lives. A few client reviews can be seen on my Testimonials page. My “buinistry” (business/ministry) involves working with clients through direct coaching sessions, speaking events, and a variety of writing projects (including writing four of my own books). I have also served in a coaching/consulting role with business executives and workplace teams, helping them with initiatives such as leadership dynamics, team building, leadership development, strategic planning, visioneering, goal setting, leadership transition planning, and quality control.

How long have you been life coaching? 

Shane launched Shane Hansen, Christian Life Coach, LLC after completing his certified professional life coach training through the Christian Coach Institute in 2015, and he has been actively serving in an owner/operator capacity ever since. 

How did you get into Christian life coaching? 

  • The short answer — following God's call in my life to serve in this capacity. 

  • The longer answer — read more about my journey on my Meet Shane page.

Can I pay for coaching sessions through insurance or HSA? 

No, coaching services do not qualify as insurance/HSA expenses. 

What sets you apart from other coaches? 

I have a lot of friends/colleagues within the coaching industry, and I often make client referrals in my network. There really are lots of great people serving in this industry. What makes me different is simply that I embrace the way that the Lord has made me with the unique interests, talents, experiences, and personality that He did. I am authentically me, as lovingly created by God, which “sets me apart” because God made me unique (as He did with all of us). Some ways that the Lord has equipped me to uniquely/specifically serve as a Christian life coach include:

  • Sincere faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord & Savior, and complete conviction in my calling to serve as a Christian-focused life coach (Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. -Psalm 127:1)

  • Intentionally & authentically Holy Spirit-led approach to life and life coaching 

  • Strategic thinking has been identified as my top attribute by skills finder assessments (which is great for helping people assess, strategize, and accomplish goals)

  • Unyielding work ethic and passion to help people succeed

  • I love the Lord and I love people — serving as a Christian life coach allows me the amazing opportunity to answer both of those calls

  • Caring, thoughtful, reflective personality 

  • Curiosity — great listening skills combined with the training I’ve received around asking powerful questions 

  • High emotional intelligence & empathy

  • Competitiveness 

  • Attention to detail

  • Sense of humor

  • Humble, servant leader mindset/approach

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